Effect of Orff-Based Music Therapy Interventions on Social Skills for the Older Persons


  • Thanetpon Ubonrat College of Music, Mahidol University
  • Natee Chiengchana College of Music, Mahidol University
  • Nion Tayrattanachai College of Music, Mahidol University


Older persons, Orff-Based Music Therapy, Social Skills


The purpose of this study was to compare the level of the older person’s social skills between pre-, mid-, and post- Orff-based music therapy intervention with a quasi-experiment one group repeated-measures design. The sample were 10 older persons from McKean Senior Center, Chiang Mai, Thailand. All samples attended 12 group music therapy sessions, 45 minutes per session, for six weeks. Orff-based music therapy intervention consisted of five activities: 1) greeting activities, 2) rhythmic activities, 3) group singing, 4) group instrument playing, and 5) goodbye activities. Research instruments used in this study were: 1) general background questionnaire, 2) The Individualized Music Therapy Assessment Profile (IMTAP) in Social Domain, and 3) observation form. Repeated-measure ANOVA was used to analyze the average of social skills among pre-, mid-, and post- interventions and content analysis was used to analyze the data from observation. The result revealed that Orff-based music therapy intervention can improve social skills in the older persons.  According to the social skills averages in each item, there were significantly increased in 11 out of 12 items at the level of .05. For the overall score of social skills, the post-test scores were significantly higher than the pre- and mid-test scores at the level of .05.


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How to Cite

Ubonrat, T. ., Chiengchana, N., & Tayrattanachai, N. . (2023). Effect of Orff-Based Music Therapy Interventions on Social Skills for the Older Persons . Journal Of Ratchasuda Institute for Research and Development of Persons With Disabilities, 19(2), 38–56. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RSjournal/article/view/265770