The psychological measures on Post-Traumatic Growth of the diasabled: A systematic review


  • Thitikan Boonraksa Intapaj Faculty of Education Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • Sittiporn Kramanont Behavioral Science Research Institute Srinakharinwirot University


Posttraumatic Growth, Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, Acquired Disability, Conceptual Framework


This article aims to review related papers and research. Conceptual frameworks and tools for assessing psychological well-being following traumatic events of people with disabilities by using a systematic literature review from the Chulalongkorn University Library's database. (, the referential database of Chulalongkorn University’s Office of Academic Resources (, the electronic full articles from Office of the Higher Education Commission’s Thai Library Integrated System ( and the data from the search engine ( including the databases from related institutions and organizations. The keywords, such as “disability”, “person”, “posttraumatic growth” and “Posttraumatic Growth Inventory” has been applied to the search engines, there were 187 related documents and meet the criteria. The finding revealed that the posttraumatic growth after acquired disability was a process of endeavor to adapt positively when a person facing circumstances causing grievous trauma or injury. There were six assessment tools of the Post-Traumatic Growth: Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PGI), Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-Short Form (PGI-SF), The Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory for Children-Revised (PTGI-C-R), The Psychological Well-Being, Post-Traumatic Changes Questionnaire (PWB-PTCQ), The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-Expanded (PTGI-X), Physical Post Traumatic Growth Inventory (P-PTGI) and The Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory of Behaviors (PTGI-B).


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How to Cite

Boonraksa Intapaj, T. ., & Kramanont, S. . (2022). The psychological measures on Post-Traumatic Growth of the diasabled: A systematic review . Journal Of Ratchasuda Institute for Research and Development of Persons With Disabilities, 18(2), 133–151. retrieved from