Educational Institution Administration to Develop Student Characteristics Using the Iddhipada

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Rawat Promsaro


The purpose of this article were to present educational institution administration to develop student characteristics using the Iddhipada. The author has studied principles, concepts, theories, and research related to educational institution administration, which includes academics, budgets, personnel management, and general administration. Additionally, the author examined the developing 8 desirable characteristics of students, including 1) love of nation religion king, 2) honesty and integrity, 3) discipline, 4) eagerness to learn, 5) observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy philosophy in one’s way of life, 6) dedication and commitment to work, 7) cherishing Thai-ness, and 8) public mindedness.  Furthermore, the author studied the Iddhipada-Chanda, Viriya, Citta, and Vimansa-which are Buddhist principles emphasizing a mindset conducive to successful work completion through love for one's tasks, diligence, resilience, mindfulness, dedication, intellectual engagement, and continuous improvement.

The results showed that this article was useful for administrators, teachers, and educational personnel involved in planning jointly to develop the desired characteristics of learners in order for learners to develop both in knowledge morality and ethics in order to be a world citizen who is fully equipped to live in society.

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How to Cite
Promsaro, R. (2024). Educational Institution Administration to Develop Student Characteristics Using the Iddhipada. RPU Journal of Business Administration, 3(1), 1–15. retrieved from
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