Analysis of factors affecting the value of the securities of Shopping Center Public Company Limited Group

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Poonnawit Poonnawit
Wanrapee Banchuenvijit


The Securities Analysis of Community Mall Public Company Limited aimed to study the factors, affecting securities values to predict company's performance and financial ratio from 2023 to 2027 with related factors, before performing business valuation. The studied factors are assets, construction materials price index (CPMI), gross domestic product (GDP), and retail sale index (RSI), using quarterly primary and secondary data from the first quarter of 2013 to the fourth quarter of 2022 with the application of ordinary least square multiple linear regression Community Mall public company limited

          The results showed that the factors that affect the income of Community Mall public company limited with the P-value of 0.05 are assets which correlate with the hypothesis. CMPI, GDP, and RSI do not affect the company's income. Then, 2 ways of business valuation are applied which are 1. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), using free cash flow to the firm (FCFF) and 2. Relative Valuation. The result of first way, DCF using FCFF is 4.67 baht per share, while the result of the second way, multiple comparable is the range of 2.09 to 3.14 baht.

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How to Cite
Poonnawit , P. ., & Banchuenvijit, W. (2024). Analysis of factors affecting the value of the securities of Shopping Center Public Company Limited Group. RPU Journal of Business Administration, 3(1), 53–70. Retrieved from