Supply Chain Management of Safe Vegetable with SCOR Model: A Case Study of a Large Farm Group Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province
Supply chain management, SCOR model, Upstream-Midstream-DownstreamAbstract
This research aimed to 1) analyze the safe vegetable supply chain of large agricultural groups in Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province, using the SCOR model 2) study the problems in the supply chain of safe vegetable production of these groups. The research methodology employed was qualitative, and the study involved 36 key informants who were farmers from large agricultural groups certified for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in Lom Sak District,Phetchabun Province. The research instrument used was structured interviews, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and non-participatory observations. The collected data were analyzed descriptively, and annotations were provided with rational explanations. The study revealed that; 1) The safe vegetable supply chain model of the large agricultural groups in Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province. At the upstream level, in terms of planning, there is a production plan, a transportation plan, and a return plan. The procurement of inputs (source) is decentralized and carried out through intermediaries. At the mid-stream level, agricultural groups with trading partners use a make-to-order production model, while those without trading partners adopt a make-to-stock production approach. In terms of delivery, the agricultural groups collaborate with a partner company, and the delivery date is predetermined. Various factors such as waiting period after the order, delivery quantity per trip, delivery schedule, routes, and transportation vehicles are considered. However, agricultural groups without trading partners do not operate in this area. At the downstream level, the agricultural groups have four destinations,including local community markets, the wholesale market in the district, large national wholesale markets, and partner companies for domestic and international resale. Regarding product returns, only agricultural groups with business partners maintain records of return information. In terms of operational support (enable), the agricultural groups have allocated resources and information to support operations during the planning process. 2) The study identified problems in the supply chain, particularly in the return process. It was found that farmers’ groups faced difficulties in tracing back to individual producers. To address this issue, the research proposed the development of a traceability system using QR Code technology.
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