Muslim Friendly Tourism Needs that Influence Muslim Tourists’ Travel Intention to Non-Muslim Tourism Destinations
Muslim friendly tourism, Tourist needs, Non-Muslim tourism destinationsAbstract
This research aims to 1) study Muslim tourist needs for Muslim friendly tourism, 2) investigate the factors of Muslim tourist needs that influence travel intention to non-Muslim tourism destinations (Non-MTD), and 3) examine the influence of Muslim tourists’ domicile province as a moderator. Data was collected from 723 people living in fourteen provinces in Southern Thailand using a questionnaire. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations and using inference statistics with multiple regression analysis. Research results revealed that Muslim tourists had a high level of need for Muslim friendly tourism overall. Results from the multiple regression analysis revealed that Muslim friendly tourism had a statistically significant influence on travel intention to non-Muslim tourism destinations. Additionally, the results also confirmed that the tourists’ province of domicile province influenced their decisions as a moderator. In regard to recommendations, Muslim friendly tourism is an important factor for potential tourism development related to the carrying capacity of Muslim tourists in the future which Muslim friendly tourism might be a part of tourism business plans for enhancing business growth opportunities.
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