The Factors Affecting the Financial Adjustment of People in Suphanburi Province under the Situation of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
Predictive Equation, Financial Adjustment, Coronavirus Disease 2019Abstract
The purposes of this research were to 1) analyze the level of personal financial management factors and the level of financial adjustment. 2) To analyze the personal finance management factors that affected the financial adjustment of people in Suphanburi province under the situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. The research model was quantitative and used questionnaires for the instrument. The samples were 400 people who have occupations in Suphanburi Province and were used for non-probability sampling by accidental sampling. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results found that 1) the level of personal finance management factors and the level of financial adjustment overall were at a high level. 2) Personal finance management factors that affected the financial adjustment of people in Suphanburi province under the situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic consisted of the government’s remedial measures of the financial sector, the attitudes towards financial management, the influence of reference groups and family financial responsibilities. The predictive power was at 69.00 percent. The finding can be used as a guide for organizations to support people's quality of life in formulating public assistance policies. Additionally, it includes the implementation of development, promotion of knowledge, understanding, and raising awareness of the importance of personal financial management to adapt to future changes in economic uncertainty, epidemics, disasters, or other emergencies.
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