A Model for Developing Competence and Supply Chain Collaboration To Build Competitiveness of Pineapple Farmers in Loei Province
Supply chain capability, Collaboration, Competitiveness, AgriculturalAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study a model of capacity development and supply chain cooperation 2) to study the direct influence Indirect influence of talent and supply chain collaboration on competitiveness. 3) To presenting a model of capacity and supply chain cooperation that affects the competitiveness of pineapple farmers in Loei Province. There were 1,243 pineapple producers, which made up the study’s sample size. The sample consisted of 362 pineapple farmers. The tool used was a questionnaire. The statistics used were Frequency, Mean, and Standard Deviation and causal influence analysis of factors used to examine the coherence of the model with the empirical data. The results showed that supply chain capabilities and supply chain collaboration have a positive direction in influencing on building competitiveness were statistically significant at the 0.05 level and were positively correlated by Chi-Square = 52.063, df=39, p-value=.079, Relative Chi-square=1.335, GFI=.978, AGFI=.949, RMR = .008, RMSEA=.030. Official competition farmers must manage the farmland according to the quality of the soil. Anticipating customer demand and productivity buying quality inputs and quality grading of pineapples before delivery to customers and delivered on time. There is a support plan in case the customer doesn't pick up on time to find out how to save costs and look for new ways to improve it. This will help develop and increase competitiveness.
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