Developing a Mobile Platform for Baggage Placement Optimization in the Cargo Compartment of the Aircraft


  • Varut Kerdsawiad Graduate School of Nawamintakasatriyathirat Air Force Academy
  • Kiatkulchai Jit Uaa Education Division, Nawaminthakasatriyathirath Air Force Academy
  • Tiansiri Luengwilai Education Division, Nawaminthakasatriyathirath Air Force Academy


Developing a mobile platform, Optimization, Baggage placement in the cargo , Compartment of the aircraft


This research aims to study the development of a mobile platform for baggage placement optimization in the cargo compartment of an aircraft and study the optimization of luggage arrangement in the aircraft cargo compartment with the application of the mobile platform. This study is a qualitative and quantitative research. The samples used in the research were 5 middle and lower management personnel and 15 workers involved in packing luggage were obtained by using purposive sampling, a tool used to collect data for research purposes. This time is an interview form and a questionnaire and researcher will analyze the data by using a packaged program to find the frequency and percentage. The results showed that the problem of luggage arrangement in the aircraft cargo compartment has decreased as a result of the application of a mobile platform to optimize the placement of cargo in aircraft cargo compartment. The optimization approach can help make more informed decisions about how to choose products to be loaded into containers. Using the space inside the container to be worthwhile and pack a maximum number of products but reduce the number of containers to the lowest number, increased satisfaction with using the mobile platform. The results of this research can be used as a guideline for planning improvements to optimize the baggage arrangement in air transport of aircraft and as a guideline in aviation safety management and the developed platform can be applied to other similar aircraft fleets to optimize cargo compartment load capacity.


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