Comparison of Road Transportation Routes: Case Study of Frozen Fruits Transportation from Bangkok to Chiang Khong Custom, Chiang Rai
Road Transportation, Exporting, Frozen Fruits Transporting, Routes ComparisonAbstract
This research aims to study and compare road transportation routes from Bangkok to Chiang Khong Custom in Chiang Rai province to export frozen fruits to China. Firstly, all feasible routes were defined from in-depth interviews with 5 logistics providers that operating frozen fruits transportation services to China. Then, the relevant criteria were studied to compare and qualify routes. After that, the researcher collected related data on each route from government departments and surveyed routes for studying physical characteristics. The criteria used in the research consisted of cost, time, product risk, infrastructure risk, and route facility. including other risks and physical characteristics. The three risk assessment groups were interviewed with experts from three perspectives: academics, logistics operators, and government representatives specializing in logistics, and put it into a mathematical equation. Finally, when comparing and presenting route information to entrepreneurs, the result shows that the most suitable route in a situation that affects the organization is route number 3: Bangkok - Nonthaburi - Pathum Thani - Ayutthaya - Ang Thong - Sing Buri - Chainat - Nakhon Sawan - Kamphaeng Phet - Tak - Lampang - Phayao - Chiang Rai is most suitable for the situation that affects the organization at the moment. Due to considering the cost, time, and other risk criteria, there was almost no influence on the route selected this time as the two criteria were approximately the same. However, when considering the product risk criteria and the physical nature of the route, entrepreneurs attach great importance to this part. Moreover, since frozen fruits are easily damaged due to transportation, it also pays attention to the risks of infrastructure and equipment on the second route since each accident results in a delay in transit time.
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