The Redesign of the Point of Sales’ Electronic Equipment Distribution Network to Reduce the Distribution Cost: Case Study of ABC Co., Ltd.
Distribution Network, Vehicle Routing Problem, Point of Sales Systems, ScenarioAbstract
This research aims to reduce the distribution cost of the electronics device products for point of sale systems. It was found that at present, the case study company distributes products to a customer using the indirect distribution network where the regional warehouses are set as the intermediates. The company's distribution costs consist of two major costs: The regional warehouse rental cost of 1,660,548 baht and freight cost of 2,435,643 baht. The proportion of the regional warehouse rental cost is as high as 41% of the total distribution cost. Thus, the direct distribution network is introduced by the researcher to the company. Five simulation scenarios are used to test the efficiency of the new redesigned distribution network. Factors that are used as conditions in the simulation model are sales volume, distribution process, and distribution cost. The data is collected from 123 salespeople and warehousing staff. Vehicle Routing Problem using Saving Algorithm is applied in simulation case 2 – 5. For simulation case 1 and in case of the products which has been shipped to each salesperson are insufficient for sales in each month, products will be delivered individually to salesperson when needed. The sales data of salesperson in Bangkok area from February 2019 to January 2020 is used to in all scenarios. The simulation results show that the new distribution network causes higher freight costs in all simulation models compared to the current distribution network. However, it is able to eliminate the cost of warehouse rental in Bangkok by 696,000 baht per year. When considering the total distribution cost, it is found that all scenarios contribute lower total distribution cost compared to the current distribution cost occurred in the present, especially in the fourth and the fifth scenario can reduce the total distribution cost by 87.42 percent and 82.48 percent, respectively.
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