Adjustment of Logistics Business Entrepreneurs Toward Thailand 4.0 Policy
Organizational Management Adjustment, Human Resource Management Adjustment, Service and Marketing Strategy Adjustment Thailand 4.0 PolicyAbstract
The purpose of this research was to studyand investigate the effects of the
entrepreneurs’ adjustment in terms of organizational management adjustment, human resource management adjustment, service and marketing strategy adjustment on the organizational adjustment efficiency of the logistic business entrepreneurs corresponding to Thailand 4.0 Policy. The samples used in this study were business owners, executive/ manager, department head, and operational staff who have experiences and involve in the business operations and adjustment. The data were collected from a total of 401 employees in Bangkok, Ayutthaya, Nonthaburi, and Pathumthaniby purposive and convenient random sampling method. The questionnaire was used as a research tool.
The statistics used for analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that the logistic entrepreneurs had opinions towards adjustment in terms of organizational management adjustment, human resource management adjustment,
service and marketing strategy adjustment affecting the organizational adjustment efficiency of the logistic business entrepreneurs corresponding to Thailand 4.0 Policy in high level. The hypothesis test found that adjustment in terms of organizational management adjustment, human resource management adjustment, service and marketing strategy adjustment affected the organizational adjustment efficiency of the logistic business entrepreneurs corresponding to Thailand 4.0 Policy at the statistical level of 0.05.
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