A Study of Marketing Mix Factors that Influence Customer Loyalty In Talat Khwan Subdistrict Nonthaburi Province


  • Ramita Skunne Master of Business Administration, SuanSunandha Rajabhat University
  • Bundit Phrapratanporn Master of Business Administration, SuanSunandha Rajabhat University


The purpose of this research is to 1) study demographic factors Which is different with
the loyalty of customers 2) study the factors of marketing mix which influence the loyalty. The research model was quantitative research and used questionnaire for instrument research. The sample group were the customers of the grocery store In Talat Khwan Subdistrict
Nonthaburi Province, 400 people using the selection method according to convenience.
The data was analyzed by percentage, t- test, one way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis. The result of the research found that most of the women are between 20-30 years old, bachelor’s degree or equivalent, single status, occupation, private company employees and earning 20,001-30,000 baht per month. Demographic, age And different incomes have an impact on customer loyalty of traditional retailers (So-Suck) in Talat Kwan Nonthaburi Province. Strategies for marketing mix, marketing promotion Process, price, product And the distribution channel Influencing customer loyalty in traditional retailers in Talat Kwan
Subdistrict Nonthaburi province respectively. From the knowledge gained from this research, it can be applied to the development of traditional retailers to have the appropriate potential to compete sustainably with modern retailers.


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