Factors Affecting Attitudes to Purchase Garena ROV products of Customers in Thailand
The research was aimed to study the influence of price utility, functional quality, playfulness, perceived technology security, effort expectancy, trust, performance expectation and perceived risk towards attitude to purchase products of ROV (Arena of Valor), the popular mobile multiplayer-online-battle-arena (MOBA) game, of customers in Thailand from 630 respondents during January-March 2020. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results found that the majority of respondents who answer the questionnaire were male aged 11 – 35 years old, with single status. Most of them were private employee / professional contractor, while some were studying. The frequency of buying ROV products was 3-4 times per month. The pre-paid card was used as main purchase channel. The equipment used to purchase ROV products was smartphones. The average amount spent on each purchase was 25 – 2,000 baht. The regression analysis results found that price utility (β = 0.719), playfulness (β = 0.630), and perceived technology security (β = 0.523), explained 85.1% of the positive effect toward attitudes to purchase Garena ROV products of the customers at the statistically significant level of .001. Consequently, an entrepreneur or a marketing manager should plan strategies by focusing on such issues since it will attract the customers to purchase mobile game products.
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