The Pattern of Channel Distribution for Competitive Advantage of Kao Tan Entrepreneur
The objective of this research was to develop the pattern of Channel Distribution for the group of rice cracker products entrepreneurs in the community. The research team applied the qualitative research method. The interview was used
as a tool to collect data. It was found that all entrepreneurs has not the places to sell. Most of the wholesale by the middleman to buy products at the factory and the delivery of products to customers. Wholesale to northern and northeastern provinces. Most of the rice crackers entrepreneurs were expanded to distribution channels and reached more target customers. In addition, it also focused on design and development of the distribution channel. There are 2 types of distribution channel 1. Direct distribution channels. and 2. Indirect distribution channels. The design and development of the distribution channel model based on the ability and readiness of the rice crackers entrepreneurs. Products were also sold by website designed by
the rice crackers entrepreneurs, joining trade fairs shows a product that represents the identity of the rice crackers entrepreneurs, as well as the use of graphics that are easy to see and make
customers remember easily. This resulted in the customer getting to know the rice crackers entrepreneurs and purchasing the product directly. Including direct delivery to customers. Make an entrepreneur There are more channels to communicate with customers.
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