Database and Information System for Disposal Fee of Waste: A Case Study of Bandu Municipality, Muang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai Province
The purpose of this research was to explore the quantity and nature of garbage by type of public housing and to compile a database and report waste results to all concerned parties. It consists of the garbage collector, the health department, and the waste collection department, the revenue department of Ban Du Subdistrict to have a data link. The Junk information system was operated on the record of the amount of waste. Locations and types of residences, such as houses, shops, companies, and the preparation of reports to link the relevant departments to the efficient management of waste with software packages by computer system - in content management and website by data collection. The researcher also created a database for use within the organization and use the server as a medium of work. The system was developed to help database users understand and find appropriate information. The result of to explore the quantity and nature of garbage by type of public housing found that there are garbage collection points in 19 villages those were surveyed, and the amount of garbage is weighed at each point. Ban Du Subdistrict Municipality has 5 garbage trucks, each vehicle collects 2-3 trips in its area. There is a lot of garbage, especially the 1st trip on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday because Sunday is a day off, there. There is garbage about 100 tons per week, and 30 tons per day on average. And the results of database system trial revealed that the system could link data between two user segments in the revenue department and the health department. The information could also be revealed payment information of the garbage collector that facilitated data validation. The revenue department can log in to view the payment status of the garbage collector, view reports in graph format, add, delete, and modify all data in the database. Also, the collectors could print annual summary of payments or print a blank form for manual survey. Division of Public Health of Ban Du District could login to see the collector's payment status. It facilitates data validation and provides a sticker that specifies a monthly or annual payment and view reports in graph format.
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