A Survey of Students’ Satisfaction to Situational Learning Method in Information Technology in Logistics Subject


  • ทมนี สุขใส Logistics and Supply Chains College, Suansunandha Rajabhat University.


Satisfaction; Situational Learning; Active Learning


This research aims to analyze the outcome of the evaluation of students’ satisfaction
to learning method and the opinions on Information Technology in Logistics subject, to set
teaching plans and develop better students’ learning in the future. The research should help
students to gain knowledge, ability, and expertise upon developing the knowledge on Logistics.
Moreover, students should understand and be able to utilize Information Technology in solving
Logistics problems effectively by implementing Situational Learning; and utilizing the outcome
of the evaluation of satisfaction and the opinion survey in verification and development of
teaching and learning of the Subject with better results. The sample groups consists of 144
junior (3rd year) students of Business Administration School, Logistics Management Program,
Logistics and Supply Chains College, Suansunandha Rajabhat University. The tool for gathering
data was a questionnaire on students’ satisfaction to the situational learning method of
Information Technology in Logistics subject. Data analysis utilized the following statistics:
percentage, average, and standard deviation.
The research results found that the analysis of overall levels of students’ satisfaction
was averaged at a high level (Mean = 4.11). When considered item by item, it was found
that the highest level of students’ satisfaction was situations led students to learn the skills
of making decision at the highest average level (Mean = 4.61). Next to that was students
were satisfied to the ability to put instructional related theories to solve problems in existing
situations at a high average (Mean = 4.49). Finally, students were satisfied at the lowest
level in the firms’ data supports for appropriate analysis with an average of a high level
(Mean = 3.70). in that order.


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