Desirable Competencies of a Truck Driver as Perceived by Road Transport Operators in Rayong Province
Competencies; Truck driver; Knowledge; Skills; AttributeAbstract
This research aimed 1) to study desirable competencies of a truck driver as perceived
by road transport operators, classified by working experiences and types of possessed trucks,
and 2) to compare desirable competencies of a truck driver as perceived by road transport
operators. The research sample were comprising of 400 of the owner or chief executive of road
transport operators. The data was analyzed by statistics, comprised of frequency, percentage,
mean, standard deviation, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). In cases, differences were found
at a statistically significant level, the methods of Scheffé Analysis were applied.
The research found that 1) the most of respondents had 5-10 years working experiences
and the most possessed trucks were 6 wheel vehicles. The overall of desirable competencies
was in high level ( = 3.54). For attribute, skills, and knowledge are also in high level
( = 3.60, 3.58, and 3.45, respectively). 2) The comparison of desirable competencies, classified
by working experiences, found that there was difference in knowledge aspect at a statistically
significant level of 0.05. By classified the types of possessed trucks, the comparison of
desirable competencies was found the differences in both overall and within aspects at
a statistically significant level of 0.05. After test the differences in pair by Scheffé Analysis,
the result showed that there were differences for 2 pairs in overall at a statistically significant
level of 0.05. Knowledge aspect was found the differences for 2 pairs at a statistically
significant level of 0.05. For skills aspect was also found the differences for 2 pairs at a
statistically significant level of 0.05. Similarly, attribute aspect was found differences for 2 pairs
at a statistically significant level of 0.05.
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