08 Application development database Professional audio-visual equipment and buildings at the college of Logistics and supply chain. Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


  • สุนทรี พัชรประทีป หัวหน้าสำนักงาน วิทยาลัยโลจิสติกส์และซัพพลายเชน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา


Application development database; Audio-visual equipment and buildings


The research of Application development database Professional audio-visual equipment
and buildings at the college of Logistics and supply chain at the college of Logistics and
supply chain have the objectives as 1). To develop the database application development
of professional audio-visual equipment and building at Logistics College and supply chain. 2).
To studying about the officers satisfaction in database application development of profession
audio-visual equipment and building at Logistic College and supply chain by sample group
who were academic support officer and faculty of teachers for 56 people. Researcher operated
the data collection by distributing the questionnaire to population of academic support officer
in Logistic College and supply chain of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. The statistics in
this research were frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and One-way ANOVA
Research result found that the computer application development were used in
audio-visual equipment and building as the overview of audio-visual system was highest level
(gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.53), if we considered each part found that it was able to search status of repair list was
highest (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.48), the ability of data record involving to check out/in audio-visual equipment
fast and correct the most minor (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.73) and record ability of repair and maintenance material
also audio-visual equipment fast and correct most (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.59)
In term of building work system was highest level as (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.60), if we consider in each
part found that record ability of using building and places requirement was fast and correct,
the ability requirement, check the status anytime, anywhere correctly and accuracy through
internet and to be able searching for instance status and building usability was highest of all
three parts as average value as (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.71, gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.69 and gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.56) respectively.



