Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies to Promote Sports Tourism
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The study is Mixed-Method research aiming 1) To explore the condition of integrated marketing communication to promote sport tourism, 2) To simulate the causal factor structural equation model of integrated marketing communications that influence image of promoting sports tourism, 3) To present an integrated marketing communication strategy on promoting the image of sports tourism. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions and structural equation modeling SEM techniques were used. By collecting data from Thai tourists traveled to participate in running activities to promote tourism. Using a purposive selection method of 450 people, the research results showed that the causal model integrated marketing communication strategies to promote the image of sports tourism after improvement were consistent with empirical data. Relative chi-square ratio Relative (Relative Chi square Ratio: 2 /df) is equal to .380, RMSEA is equal to .016, (CFI) is equal to .999, harmonization (GFI) is equal to .973 The model acceptance index (TLI) was .94, the relative consistency (NFI) was .982, and from adjusting integrated marketing communication strategies to promote the image of sports tourism make the values harmonize to get the appropriate model. Assumptions are in harmony with empirical data, reasonably good level which is consistent with the qualitative research, it was found that Integrated marketing communication combines more than one type of marketing tool and integrates online and offline channels by considering 1) goals 2) identity 3) integration. 4) unity 5) Participation The sport tourism must get cooperation with the community and stakeholders.
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