Community Participation in Driving Moral Communities with Palang Bowon : A Case Study of Moral Communities at Dong Klang Temple, Dong Klang Sub-district, Mueang Phichit District Phichit Province
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The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the level of community participation in driving a moral community with the power of merit. 2) to compare personal factors with community participation in driving a moral community with the power of merit. 3) To study problems, obstacles, and suggestions for community participation in driving a moral community with the power of merit. Conducted according to quantitative research methods. which is survey research The sample group is 343 people participating in the project, obtained from Yamane's formula. The tool is a questionnaire with a confidence value of 0.920. The statistics used to analyze the data are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and testing the t-test and F-test. The research results found that 1) the level of community participation in driving the moral community with the power of merit. Overall, it is at a high level. 2) People with age and average monthly income different There were different opinions on community participation in driving a moral community with the power of worship, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. In other aspects, they were not different, and 3) problems, obstacles, and suggestions were found to be 1) Problems and obstacles are that people in the area still lack participation in expressing their opinions, needs, making decisions, and setting guidelines for developing operations. and public relations inviting other people to join in project implementation. 2) Suggestions are that relevant agencies should encourage people to participate in expressing opinions, needs, decisions, setting guidelines for development of operations and Participate in public relations operations to invite others to join in project implementation. Such activities
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