Self-Protection Behavior from Coronavirus Disease 2019 of People in Tourist Area in Chiang Mai Province
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The Research on preventive behavior from the coronavirus of people in tourist attraction areas in Mueang District Chiang Mai Province The objective is to study self-protection behavior. and compare behaviors to protect against the coronavirus, classified by gender, age, and occupation. The population is people in tourist attraction areas in Mueang District. Chiang Mai Province The sample group is store operators. and tourists in the area Calculated from the formula for finding a sample without knowing the population size. The sample size was 384 people. The research instrument was a self-protective behavior questionnaire. which the researcher has developed It has been checked for content validity through experts. and the confidence value with Cronbach's alpha coefficient is equal to 0.97. Data collection and analyze data using descriptive statistics
The results showed that the majority of the sample were male, less than 20 years old, bachelor's degree level, single status, current occupation as a student. Current income/month is less than 15,000 baht. Sources of information about the COVID-19 situation from Social Media (Facebook and Twitter). As for knowledge about protecting yourself from coronavirus infection, it was found that the first 3 The incubation period for the coronavirus is the time period after exposure or exposure to the virus until symptoms begin. It is a disease that can be easily transmitted. and wearing a mask/cloth Can help prevent infection with the coronavirus. As for behavior to prevent disease caused by the coronavirus Overall, it is at a high level. The first 3 items are: You wear a mask/cloth. When leaving home , when you go to crowded places such as flea markets, malls, you follow the rules of the place and you check your temperature. At the screening point , when comparing opinions on coronavirus prevention behaviors of different genders, ages, and occupations, it was found that there were significant differences. Statistically significant at the 0.01 level.
Keywords: Self-Protection Behavior from Coronavirus Disease 2019, Knowledge about Self-Protection from Coronavirus Infection
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