The application of local wisdom as a base for generating income for the community, a case study of Baan Madua Chumphon, Village No. 4, Kosamphi Sub-district, Kosamphi District, Kamphaeng Phet Province
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This mixed-method research aims to study guidelines for the utilization of local medicinal plants to generate income for the community and to develop new products from local medicinal plants for the Ban Madua Chumphon professional group, Kosamphi Subdistrict, Kosamphi Nakhon District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. Samples are 1) 20 Ban Madua Chumphon occupational group members. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed using content analysis. 2) 80 consumers, data were collected from questionnaires and analyzed with descriptive statistics. It was found that 1) Professional groups were most interested in making herbal compresses in round shape to maintain the herbal compress and ready to improve into a portable mini herbal compress keychain. 2) Develop skills in making use of local medicinal plants, including lemongrass, kaffir lime, phlai, turmeric, som poi, and tamarind, into herbal compress ball products portable Mini Herbal compress keychain and generate income for professional groups, select packaging boxes, design a billboard to promote herbal compress products for use in market testing. The products are produced and tested for sale at various festivals in Kamphaeng Phet Province. 3) Consumer satisfaction is at the highest level (x̅=4.71), namely the production materials are suitable for the product and is a local material that comes mainly from nature (x̅=4.93), followed by herbal compresses that are designed to be unique from general products on the market (x̅=4.90). The size and shape of herbal compresses are appropriate (x̅=4.89). Occupational groups are very satisfied with the performance results because local wisdom and various medicinal plants can be developed into products that can be used as additional occupations, generate income for self and family, create sustainable self-reliance.
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