Developing Leadership Potential for Ecclesiastical Affairs Management

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Yuttana Khwanmuang


Developing leadership potential makes one aware and aware of the mission of temple management in governance. To lead to leadership in all 6 areas of ecclesiastical administration Makes you understand problems, obstacles, and solutions. of the monks in temple management To achieve the stated objectives efficiently Always effective, it must rely on many elements: personnel (Man), budget (Money), materials (Material), management techniques (Management). These 4 elements are very important, but the most important element in management. An organization is people or personnel. The same is true in management in religious organizations. And in order to receive maximum benefit, it must rely on the leadership potential of the Sangha. in temple management

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How to Cite
Khwanmuang, Y. (2024). Developing Leadership Potential for Ecclesiastical Affairs Management. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 7(1), หน้า 237 – 247. retrieved from
Academic Article


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