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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the participation factors of public taxi drivers (taxi) in crime prevention, 2) to study the participation patterns of public taxi drivers (taxi) in prevention. and 3) to obtain policy recommendations on the participation of public taxi drivers (taxi) in crime prevention. It is a research that combines quantitative research and qualitative research. Collect data for quantitative research. A questionnaire was obtained from a sample group of 400 public taxi drivers (taxi) and data were collected for qualitative research using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with 13 key informants using a random selection method.
The results of the research were as follows: 1.The overall participation of drivers of public taxis (taxi) in preventing crime in Bangkok was at a low level. 2.Factors affecting the participation of drivers of public taxis (taxi) in crime prevention. It was found that key informants proposed factors affecting the participation of public taxi drivers (taxi) in crime prevention, consisting of achievement motivation. relationship motivation awareness of crime news expectation of return good attitude towards the police and reference group influence 3.The form of participation of drivers of public taxis (taxi) in crime prevention consisted of 6 aspects, 32 activities, every activity component was appropriate 4.The following policy recommendations are to focus on cooperation with public taxi drivers (taxi) to prevent crime. by allowing the police to create intimacy and friendliness create as much understanding as possible Ready to listen to problems Select the police who will act as an inducer to take part. allocate budget for compensation Set up a network of participation. And should focus on the application of modern technology to prevent crime.
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