Development of modern management concepts and techniques

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Thiyaphan Wongsa
Phramahaprawet Panyadheepo
Phrasamuchchatsak Prichano


Dministration or organizational management is necessary to use science. in the administration is inevitable Because the world today is a capitalist system. or profit-seeking consumerism and have competition to be superior to competitors both in terms of management and organizational development to achieve the goals of the organization Therefore, there are modern management principles. come into strategy or principles in management while also having academic The West is interested in Buddhist principles to combine and apply to management principles. because he assumed To apply the principles, methods, or techniques of western scholars to profit-oriented and competitive management, the successful adoption of modern management techniques depends on the leadership of the top management. In addition, effective organizational communication Cooperation of all personnel in the organization is the essence of this article. The implications of concept development are discussed. Modern management techniques that include management by objectives(Management by Objectives: MBO), participative management. (Participative Management), Benchmarking Management, Kaizen Management Techniques, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Management, Time Management, Results Based Management (RBM).

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How to Cite
WONGSA, T., Wongsa, T. ., Panyadheepo, P., & Prichano, . P. . (2023). Development of modern management concepts and techniques. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 317 – 332. retrieved from
Academic Article


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