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This research objectives were (1) to study the situation of tourism development in Pattaya City to support the country's opening after COVID-19, (2) to study the problems and obstacles of tourism development in Pattaya City to support the country's opening after COVID-19, and (3) to study the recommendations for tourism development in Pattaya City to support the country's opening after COVID-19. The research was qualitative. Key informants included government leaders, tourism operators, tourism associations, community leaders, representatives from local community sectors, and 24 people from the general public were selected by purposive selection. The tool used for data collection was an interview form. The data was analyzed by descriptive summary.
The results found that (1) the situation of tourism development in Pattaya City to support the country's opening after COVID-19 was development and management of tourist attractions. The entire infrastructure had been developed. There was personnel development at all levels. There were measures to build confidence for tourists, focused on marketing activities throughout the year. There was public relations in both offline and online media. There were measures to help entrepreneurs and enhancing participation and integration of cooperation, (2) the problems and obstacles of tourism development in Pattaya City to support the country's opening after COVID-19 found that the budget was limited. There was concern and lacked of confidence in the economy, lacked of integrated work and participation, laws and regulations were not conducive to operations, labor shortage and lacked of necessary skills including public transport problems were lacking, and (3) the suggestions for tourism development in Pattaya City to support the country's opening after COVID-19 found that personnel skills development, infrastructure development in all dimensions, developed and revitalized tourist attractions ongoing marketing promotion activities, encouraged and opened the opportunity to participate, enhancing the potential of entrepreneurs and building confidence with tourists.
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