Institutional Mobility of Innovative Pilot Primary Schools of School Administrators under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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pimnada peerawitwutthikorn
Tasnee Boonmaphi
Sangwan Wangcham


The research aimed to study the readiness, the support factors, problems, obstacles and propose guidelines for institutional mobility of innovative pilot primary schools of school administrators under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The population was the directors and the deputy directors of the school in the academic year 2022, using the specific selection method, a total number of 30 people and 8 experts in the focus group discussion, selected by the specific selection method included committees of educational innovation area of Chiang Mai, school directors, deputy school directors and education supervisors. The tools used in the research were a 5-scale questionnaire and a discussion record. The statistical used in the analysis of the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis and then presented by descriptive methods.

The results showed that the institutional mobility of innovative pilot primary schools of school administrators under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, in overall, was ready at a high level. The guideline for the institutional mobility of innovative pilot primary schools was that there should be a meeting to set the policy, determine the management guidelines of the educational quality improvement plans and school action plans, allocate operational budgets, appoint a committee by determining the suitability of the position based on interests, aptitudes and experiences, provide participatory consultation for teachers responsible for institutional mobility of innovative pilot schools in performing activities to achieve the goals of change, have network with external agencies, create mechanisms for the institutional mobility of innovative pilot schools. There should be a supervisory committee to monitor and evaluate the implementation. There should be a learning exchange meeting through the professional learning community, and bring evaluation results to improve development and public relations.

Keywords: mobility, pilot schools, Educational Innovation Area

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How to Cite
peerawitwutthikorn, pimnada, Boonmaphi, T., & Wangcham, S. (2023). Institutional Mobility of Innovative Pilot Primary Schools of School Administrators under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 210 – 230. retrieved from
Research Articles


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