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Phrapalad Chakkit Paphasaro (Prueksa)
Thitiwut Munmee



The study consisted of the following objectives: 1) to investigate the level of community economic development of the housewife group under the community development department in Nongyasai District, Suphanburi Province; 2) to explore the correlation between Tisikkhā and community economic development of the housewife group under the community development department in Nongyasai District, Suphanburi Province; and 3) to study problems and suggestions about the Buddhist integration for community economic development of the housewife group under the community development department in Nongyasai District, Suphanburi Province.

The study used a mixed-method approach that included both qualitative and quantitative methods. A sample group used for the quantitative method consisted of  132 people under community development department. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.919. The obtained data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The qualitative method employed questionnaire and in-depth interview to collect data with 12 key informants.

From the study, the following results are found:

1) The level of community economic development based on Tisikkhā (the threefold learning) of the housewife group under the community development department is overall at a high level. When analyzing based on Tisikkhā, the aspect with the highest level of mean is sīla (morality), followed by samādhi (concentration), and paññā (wisdom) with the lowest level of mean. The level of economic self-reliance development is overall high, with awareness raising ranking first, followed by environmental conservation, cultural coordination, and activity participation, respectively. Group development and network building have the lowest level of mean.

2) An application of Buddhist integration for community economic development of the housewife group under the community development department in Nongyasai District, Suphanburi Province is correlated positively at a high level, with a statistical significance of 0.01. The aspects with mean at a high level are in the following order from high to low: group development, network building, and activity participation, respectively. Environmental conservation and cultural coordination are at a moderate level. Awareness raising is at the lowest level.

3) The guidelines for applying Buddhist integration for community economic development of the housewife group under the community development department in Nongyasai District, Suphanburi Province are as follows: (1) Sīla (promoting the formation of group assembly and ensuring operational transparency): raising awareness in cultural coordination with transparency and continuity, as well as emphasizing the value of limited natural resources, particularly in environmental conservation. (2) Samādhi (practicing and developing skills of the housewife group): focusing the cultural coordination within the organization with transparency, particularly on regulations of conserving limited resources via skill development and production process  (3) Paññā (the development and application of knowledge creatively): prioritizing the group development and cultural coordination (coordination inside the organization) as well as highlighting awareness raising.

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How to Cite
Paphasaro (Prueksa), P. C., Phrakhrusophonweeranuwat, & Munmee, T. (2023). BUDDHIST INTEGRATION FOR COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE HOUSEWIVES’ COMMUNITY UNDER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT IN NONGYASAI DISTRICT SUPHANBURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 279 – 291. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPR/article/view/266194
Research Articles


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