The Administration Development in Accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Donchedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Donchedi District, Suphanburi Province
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The research article consisted of the following objectives: 1) to investigate the level of administration development according to the sufficiency economy philosophy; 2) to explore the correlation between administration development based on Diṭṭhadhammikattha-saṃvattanika-dhamma and administration according to the sufficiency economy; and 3) to present the guidelines for administration development in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy. The study used a mixed-method approach that included quantitative methods a sample group used for the quantitative method consisted of 387 people in Donchedi SAO. The obtained data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation coefficient. And qualitative method employed in-depth interview to collect data with 10 key informants included involved in the administration of Donchedi SAO. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis. From the study, the following results are found: 1) people’ opinions toward the administration development according to the sufficiency economy philosophy and the administration development based on Diṭṭhadhammikattha-saṃvattanika-dhamma were overall at a high level, 2) the administration development based on Diṭṭhadhammikattha-saṃvattanika-dhamma and administration according to the sufficiency economy philosophy is positively correlated at a high level, with a statistical significance of 0.01, and 3) the guidelines for administration development in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy of Donchedi SAO, Donchedi District, Suphanburi Province are found as follows: (1) Uṭṭhānasampadā refers to leaders set a good example; (2) Ārakkhasampadā refers to leaders raise awareness about the need of utilizing resources wisely; (3) Kalyāṇamittatā refers to leaders have attentiveness and good human relations; and (4) Samajīvitā refers to leaders implement the sufficiency economy philosophy in their everyday lives and apply it in the organization administration.
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