Developing a Community Model of Professional Learning to strengthen proactive learning management of teachers, non-formal education centers and Informal education, Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province

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Donaya Yaempo


The objectives : 1) study the current condition and needs of the vocational learning community to enhance the active learning management, 2) create and validate the vocational learning community model to enhance active learning management, 3) to try out the vocational learning community model to enhance active learning management, and 4) to assess the appropriateness and usefulness in implementing the vocational learning community model to enhance active learning management of the teachers in Mueang Phetchaburi District Non-formal and Informal Education (NIE) Center, Phetchaburi Province. The target group consisted of 30 NIE Center teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research results: 1) The current condition of the vocational learning community was at a moderate level and the teachers’ active learning management of was at a high level, 2) The results of creating the vocational learning community model to enhance the teachers' active learning management revealed that the accuracy was at a high level and possibility at the highest level, and assessment of the manual for using the vocational learning community model to enhance the teachers' active learning management revealed that the accuracy of the manual for using the 3) The results of trying out the vocational learning community model to enhance the teacher's active learning management revealed that, before the training, it was at a high level, and after training, it was at the highest level, and 4) The appropriateness in implementing the vocational learning community model to enhance the teacher's active learning management was at a high level, and the usefulness in implementing the vocational  learning community model to enhance the teacher's active learning management was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Yaempo, D. (2023). Developing a Community Model of Professional Learning to strengthen proactive learning management of teachers, non-formal education centers and Informal education, Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 18 – 33. retrieved from
Research Articles


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