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Adison Kongthong
Phasawut Khemsom
Plearn Chamchuri
Pairat Chimhat
Daycho Khaenamkhaew


          Academic article in Sarani Dharmma Principles: Synthesis for Community Development with The Participation. The findings revealed that Bringing the principles of Saranee Dharma together with community development as a development guideline that will help support one another and bring awareness to each other. This is to create respect and obedience to each other, and to create unity which is an important basis for people's participation in the community, consisting of 1) Creating love and goodwill for everyone in the community. 2) Conversation with beautiful words speak politely speak with love mutual understanding and goodwill, along with speaking to encourage each other to convey the meaning of building morale for people in the community. 3) Positive thinking, good thinking and creative thinking in a systematic way for doing various community development activities and benefiting from joint activities. 4) Not separating or dividing parties There is fairness and equality for all people in the community equally. 5) Maintaining the rules and regulations agreed upon in the community orderly Discipline and security for peaceful coexistence among multicultural or diverse cultures. 6) People in the community and agencies from all sectors create a participatory way of thinking together and doing creative activities in joint planning for community development with the same opinion and without conflict. For the common goal is the community can develop sustainable according to their needs happily and create quality of life for people in the community.

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How to Cite
Kongthong, A., Khemsom, P. ., Chamchuri, P. ., Chimhat, P. ., & Khaenamkhaew, D. . (2021). SARANI DHARMMA PRINCIPLES: SYNTHESIS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WITH THE PARTICIPATION. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 4(2), 69–81. retrieved from
Academic Article


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