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A foreigner's dictionary Defines Politics as a struggle for power. And this power is Probably referring to the energy resulting from having a position in the government because this type of power makes the authorized person gain benefits. Both in social and financial It is both money and fame. For this reason, politics is needed by those who want power. To achieve that power as a tool for exploitation, Both righteous and unjust, depending on the objectives and methods of entering into individual politicians, is essential. In the presence of political circles, politicians can be divided into four categories as follows: 1) come to protect their interests; from being exploited by politicians and regular government officials by the state and bullying businesses that have no political ties; 2) coming in to seek benefits by the state, both right and wrong, and this type of politician is the cause of the first type of politician; 3) both coming in protect their interests and seek additional benefits 4) come to serve the country and its people by using knowledge The ability that oneself has to develop the country to progress. The demands for political interests in today's era change with the ever-changing world conditions, so supporters of politicians have to adjust and create conditions to negotiate with. political power to obtain what they want, such as a position, business, or exchange between passions and interests.
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