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Phrasamu Arkom Akamadhiro


This article aims to study the relationship between Political power and economic and social development The budget of the country is allocated as a tool to achieve the goals set by the political power of the people in the economic and social development policy. This is the foundation of the country's development to a completely democratic country. Through economic and social development in line with democratic approaches that emphasize decentralization of power and resources Giving people access to the resources and welfare that the State should allocate the state had to modify the concept. And is committed to solving the problem of inequality between the rich and the poor. Problems of ineffective use of budget; problem solving of economic downturn; Central government system and developing competitiveness. The Political power budget allocation and economic and social development They are closely related to each other that they are difficult to separate. Influence groups include military groups, civil servant groups, Politicians, business groups, academic groups, and public groups. Plays an essential role in determining the annual expenditure budget. Depending on the ideology of the political leaders or the influential group at that time, Budget allocation to one's own and his group in a higher proportion than the influence groups who play a role or do not play a role in the country's governance. However, a country known as a democracy can be fully democratic only if the economic system is fair in allocating returns from financial operations. There is fairness in policymaking. And have economic measures and appropriate budget allocation in line with democratic principles that emphasize the universal distribution of power and resources. and by the situation occurring within the country with the interests of the people as important

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How to Cite
Akamadhiro, P. A. . (2021). POLITICAL POWER ON BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR ECONOMICS AND SOCIALDEVELOPMENT IN THAILAND. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 3(2), 58–79. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPR/article/view/253228
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