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Dawnapa Kettong


Decentralization to local government organization Is the division of authority between parts Central and local According to the changing situation and reduce the mission of the government to the main mission such as military and foreign in which the local government organization Took responsibility for public service missions related to the daily life of the people, such as cleanliness Environmental protection to be able to fix problems in Each local was able to keep up with the events. And develop localities that can actually meet the needs of local people. The current form of local government in Thailand is sub-district administrative organization, provincial administrative organization, Bangkok municipality. And Pattaya Decentralization Local people will allow local people to participate in their own local government. Which can elect and remove local council members or local administrators When there is a malpractice Local residents can also propose their own local laws. The new draft constitution allows local residents to hold a referendum on matters related to their locality. And reduce the number of people to enter the name, remove local politicians and propose local law to make it easier than in the 1997 constitution

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How to Cite
Kettong, D. . (2021). DECENTRALIZATION TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 3(2), 46–57. retrieved from
Academic Article


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