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Mali Thipprajong
Kanjira Wijitwatchararak


A state must have a central element that identifies the state. Still, Wendt considers that there are many different perceptions or views about the state, especially when considering the state and its relationship with society. There are three types of states towards a state: Weberian state, pluralist state, and Marxist state. Viewing the state in a way that emphasizes the state as influential organization sovereignty and monopolizes the use of formally organized violence over the territory of that state Justified because of being an actor in the form of an organization. The state, therefore, resembles a person and has interests at stake. The state has to make decisions and take action on any matter. The pluralistic state emphasizes the representation of the state's efforts. And separate the state from society as in the Weberian way, but because the state consists of different groups In society, the state tends to be viewed by reducing the state as a whole as a group of interests and individual people of the community. For this reason, pluralistic states view the state as nothing other than the government and the people who govern it. This view of the state is reflected in the opinion of structural liberalism in international politics. Marxist state State is a structure of governance and rules in society. This structure determines the relationship between the different characters. In this sense, “capitalist state” refers to the construction of political power that establishes a society based on a production method based primarily on private ownership.

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How to Cite
Thipprajong, M. ., & Wijitwatchararak, K. . (2021). ON THE EVOLUTION OF GOVERNMENT. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 3(2), 1–14. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPR/article/view/253223
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