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Mali Thipprajong
Jittima Damrongwattana


Political activity It is the duty of the people that everyone must be attentive and responsible for the country. To keep the people, alert and interested in political activities, giving people the opportunity to participate in political activities and local government is highly effective. In urging people to become more active in politics, it is important to govern democracy as the "people" and the integrity of democracy. The people could come in had the right to rule as much as possible, but due to the limitations in many areas. For example, the population is too large to be directly involved in political activities. Politics is a matter of development and is important to all groups of people. Therefore, if people do not know their powers, duties, and roles in politics, they will negatively impact both directly and indirectly. Therefore, politics at all levels will be at the heart of the people because the people are the ones who have to exercise their power to the fullest extent of the legal process as a citizen. The situation in Thailand has changed dramatically, both economically, socially, and politically. Which directly and indirectly affect the way of life of the people widely, especially the promulgation of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, BE 2540 (1997), which contained content on the improvement of rights, liberties, duties, and participation of people in the administration of the state. Improving the administrative structure of the local government organization, including expediting the decentralization of powers in the administration and provision of public services to the local government organization as soon as possible. so that the administration and public services of the state are streamlined and efficient, and can better respond to the problems and needs of the people

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How to Cite
Thipprajong, M. ., & Damrongwattana, J. . (2021). ON POWER, ROLES AND DUTIES OF THE PEOPLE IN CHOOSING THEIR OWN LOCAL LEADERS. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 3(1), 14–27. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPR/article/view/253218
Academic Article


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