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กันตภณ หนูทองแก้ว
มะลิ ทิพพ์ประจง
ศิริเพ็ญ สุดแสนสง่า


         A local government organization is a grassroots local administration unit closely related to the local people directly representing the local people. That serves as a mouthpiece for the people in the area. It is essential to manage local affairs because it is one way to reduce the central state's authority. It also strengthens the regional power. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2550 (2007) stipulated guidelines and policies for the administration of the State affairs in Article 78 that the State must decentralize the local government organization to be self-reliant and to make decisions on local matters by itself and promote Let the local government organization participate in the implementation of the basic state policy. Develop local economy Public utilities and other utilities, etc. It can be seen that the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand has a direction to decentralize power to local government organizations. By empowering Local government organization Reduced central state powers Create transparency, in a meaningful way, to increase the right to participate More local government To be the basis for the development of democracy That will continue to be strong at the national level Currently, the law prescribes that there are two types of local government organizations: general form. And particular forms, which 1) the available form is the provincial administrative organization, municipality and Subdistrict Administrative Organization which, according to the Act, sets plans and procedures Decentralization for you Local Administrative Organization B.E.

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How to Cite
หนูทองแก้ว ก., ทิพพ์ประจง ม., & สุดแสนสง่า ศ. (2021). REGARDING THE STYLE OF GOVERNMENT. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 1(2), 38–49. retrieved from
Academic Article


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