Promotion of Desirable Moral and Ethical Characteristics by using “Upper Hand” Activity for Bachelor Students in Teaching Islamic Education Program, Yala Rajabhat University


  • Abdulhalim Ardae


Desirable characteristics, Ethics, “Charity Hand” Activity


The purposes of this research was to 1) study promotion of desirable moral and ethical characteristics of Student of Teaching Islamic Education Department, Bachelor Degree of Faculty Education Yala Rajabhat University. Sample of this research are 140 students of Islamic Education, using survey research methodology and collecting data by using questionnaire. Statistics analysis are frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The Study found that: 1) the desirable moral and ethical characteristics by using “Upper Hand Activities” (Donation and Giving) of Teaching Islamic Education Department, Bachelor Degree of Faculty Education Yala Rajabhat University is in the high level (= 4.34). The suggestions to creating moral and ethical students of Teaching Islamic Education Department, Bachelor Degree of Faculty Education Yala Rajabhat University should encourage students to carry out various activities in accordance to the principles of the Quran and Hadith by focusing on integration with knowledge in same courses of curriculum, encourage students to survey information/data in community, and create a social network, more training practice for social work. In addition, it should allocate additional budgets for student of Teaching Islamic Education Department, Bachelor Degree of Faculty Education Yala Rajabhat University to procedure continually project for development morality and ethical.


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How to Cite

Ardae, A. . (2020). Promotion of Desirable Moral and Ethical Characteristics by using “Upper Hand” Activity for Bachelor Students in Teaching Islamic Education Program, Yala Rajabhat University. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(2), 47–62. Retrieved from



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