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The objectives of this research were: 1) To study the emotional intelligence of faculty members at Bangkok Thonburi University, 2) To study teamwork of faculty members at Bangkok Thonburi University, and 3) To study relationship between emotional intelligence and teamwork of faculty members at Bangkok Thonburi University. This study is a survey research methodology, with a sample of 286 faculty members selected from a total population of 1,001 through appropriate stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The sample size was determined using Yamane’s table. The research process involved a review of relevant literature, development of research instruments, data collection, and statistical analysis, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient. The research instrument was a questionnaire divided: 1) A Multiple-choice section on respondents’ demographic information, 2) A Section measuring emotional intelligence using a five-point Likert scale, and (3) a section assessing teamwork performance, also utilizing a five-point Likert scale. The findings revealed that: 1) The overall emotional intelligence of faculty members at Bangkok Thonburi University was at a high level, with the highest mean score found in the aspect of awareness of self emotions ( = 3.68); 2) Teamwork performance was also at a high level, with the highest mean score in the aspect of organizational support (
= 4.20); and 3) There was a statistically significant positive correlation at the 0.01 level between emotional intelligence and teamwork, indicating a strong and consistent relationship. These results highlight the necessity of enhancing emotional intelligence and teamwork, particularly in terms of recognizing the emotions of others.
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