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This research aims to study: 1) Personal factors and purchasing behavior of BG Pathum United football club souvenir products among club enthusiasts. 2)Compare the purchasing behavior of BG Pathum United football club souvenir products among club enthusiasts according to personal factors. The population is the general public who watch football matches and those who love football clubs. A sample group of 400 people is quantitative research. Collected from questionnaires. Statistics in the analysis are percentage, mean, and standard deviation. By analyzing Chi-Square, the results found that. 1) Most of the respondents were male: 238 people, 59.50 percent; 126 people, 31.50 percent were under 20 years of age, and had single status; 248 people, 62.00 percent had private company employees; 144 people, 36.00 percent had an education level of Vocational Certificate /Vocational Certificate /Associate Degree, 183 people, 45.80 percent, had an average monthly income lower than 20,000 baht, 160 people, 40.00 percent. 2) The behavior of purchasing souvenir products is mostly the frequency of using the service less than 1 time per month, 238 people, 59.50 percent. There are cheering equipment types, 292 people, 73.00 percent. There is a cost per time of less than 1,000 baht, 200 people, 50.00 percent. There is a decision to use the service for cheering 209 people, 52.30 percent. There are times when consumers come to use the service on days when there is a competition program, 284 people, 59.50 percent. and 3) Group of club enthusiasts with personal factors including gender, age, status, occupation, education level. and different average monthly incomes will have different purchasing behavior for football club souvenir products overall.
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