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Pongpat Seedawong
Pratya Thongpanit
Sumalee Sriputtarin


This research aims to 1) Study the current state and the desired state of learning regression in students, 2) Assess the needs, 3) Develop a rehabilitation approach, and 4) Evaluate the appropriateness and feasibility of the developed approach. The sample group consisted of 272 administrators and teachers, selected through stratified random sampling. The research and development methodology was used, and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the PNIModified formula. The research was conducted in two phases: Phase 1 used a questionnaire as the research tool, while Phase 2 employed interviews and an evaluation form for the developed approach. The research findings revealed that the current state of learning regression was at a high level (equation = 3.66), while the desired state was at the highest level (equation = 4.59). Among the factors, the mental health of students was identified as the highest need (PNI Modified = 0.258). The rehabilitation approach consisted of three main areas: 1) Developing access to education, such as creating a digital media library linking teachers, students, and parents, supporting free devices and internet access, and fostering community cooperation to enhance educational opportunities; 2) Elevating the quality of learning, such as adjusting curricula and assessment methods, promoting integrated learning, and using technology to support learning based on students' interests; and 3) Creating a conducive learning environment, such as promoting physical and mental health, training emotional management skills, and providing training for teachers and parents on students' mental health issues. The evaluation of the approach found that it was highly appropriate and feasible. This research highlights the importance of developing strategies to restore learning regression, with support from all sectors and efficient use of resources, in order to create an environment conducive to learning and the sustainable development of students' potential.

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How to Cite
Seedawong, P. ., Thongpanit, P. ., & Sriputtarin, S. . (2025). GUIDELINES FOR REHABILITATING THE LEARNING LOSS OF STUDENTS UNDER NAKHON PHANOM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 1. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 12(2), 1–13. retrieved from
Research Articles


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