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Patcharavadee Thongprim


This paper aims to study the seafood consumption behavior of Thai tourists in La-ngu District, Satun Province, to study the lifestyle that influences the decision to consume seafood of Thai tourists in La-ngu District, Satun Province, The research format for this time was quantitative research, using questionnaires as the tool for collecting data. and to study the differences in demographic factors that influence the decision to consume seafood of Thai tourists in La-ngu District, Satun Province. The sample group used in the research was 400 Thai tourists who had purchased seafood. This research was a quantitative research using T-test and F-test statistics. The results of the analysis of tourists' seafood purchasing behavior. It was found that 1) Tourists who consumed seafood in Langu District, Satun Province, mostly had the purpose of purchasing seafood as a snack. 2) Tourists who consumed seafood in Langu District, Satun Province, who had marital status, bachelor's degree, civil servant/state enterprise employee occupations, average monthly income of 20,001 - 30,000 baht, 3 - 4 family members, lived in the South, and were 201 kilometers or more apart, had different effects on tourists' seafood purchasing behavior. 3) Tourists' seafood purchasing behavior affects their decision to buy seafood, including the purpose of buying food, types of seafood, frequency of buying seafood, amount of food bought, and time of buying seafood, which are different, have different effects on tourists' decision to buy seafood.

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How to Cite
Thongprim, P. . (2025). FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECISION TO CONSUME SEAFOOD AMONG THAI TOURISTS IN LANGU DISTRICT, SATUN PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 12(2), 224–232. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/284190
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