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This qualitative research aimed to 1) Investigate challenges in implementing internal quality assurance in private primary schools in the five southern border provinces of Thailand, and 2) Propose strategies for improving internal quality assurance systems in this context. Data collection methods included analysis of 50 related documents (Documentary Research) and in-depth interviews with 15 key informants, comprising school administrators and teachers responsible for quality assurance in private schools. Five case-study schools, one from each province, were selected using purposive sampling from a total population of 190 private general schools in the region. The research tools comprised document analysis forms and semi-structured interview guides. Data analysis utilized two methods: 1) Document analysis and 2) Inductive analysis. Data reliability was ensured through triangulation by comparing data from interviews, document analysis, and expert validation. The findings revealed seven major issues: 1) Challenges in establishing educational standards due to insufficient knowledge and understanding among personnel, as well as cultural complexities in the area; 2) Issues in development planning, including teacher turnover, heavy workloads, and budgetary constraints; 3) Difficulties in implementing plans, particularly in adapting curricula and addressing resource limitations; 4) Inadequacies in evaluation and monitoring systems, including a lack of teacher knowledge in assessment and insufficiently comprehensive systems; 5) Shortcomings in tracking implementation, particularly in systematic data collection and analysis; 6) Problems in self-assessment reporting, such as changing report formats, incomplete data, and inefficient data management systems; and 7) A lack of systematic and cyclical quality assurance processes for continuous improvement.
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