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This research aimed to 1) Compare the empathy levels of upper primary school students before and after participating in guidance activities and 2) Compare the empathy levels of upper primary school students between an experimental group participating in the guidance activities and a control group. The study employed a quasi-experimental design, with a research sample of Grade 6 students from a private school during the first semester of the 2024 academic year. The selection criteria were: students must have empathy scores at or below the 50th percentile, students must voluntarily agree to participate in the experiment, and students must have obtained parental consent. Twenty students were selected and randomly assigned into two groups: 10 for the experimental group and 10 for the control group. The research instruments included an empathy measurement scale for upper primary students, with a reliability coefficient of .90 and a set of guidance activities designed to enhance empathy, with an instrument quality value of 1.00. Statistical analyses utilize mean scores, standard deviations, and t-tests for dependent and independent samples. The findings revealed that 1) The students' post-test empathy scores significantly increased at the .05 level after participating in the guidance activities, and 2) The experimental group demonstrated significantly higher empathy scores than the control group at the .05 level.
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