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Worawan Ongkrutraksa
Nida Larpsrisawad


YouTube is an extremely popular online video website in Japan. Advertising on YouTube through product placement advertising by inserting content or placing products as part of a video is a successful method. This study aims to 1) Compare the differences in exposures, attitudes, and responses toward product placement on YouTube by demographic factors. 2) To study the relationship between exposure, attitude, and behavioral responses toward product placement on YouTube among Japanese consumers. This study used quantitative research collecting data from 200 Japanese samples. Using the T-test analyzed the data to compare all factors by demographic and using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient to find the relationship between all variables. The result shows that the ages of 40 - 59 have more behavioral responses than those of 20 - 39. People in other marital statuses (e.g. married with children) have more intention to use and purchase than singles. The relationship between exposure, attitude, and behavioral responses towards product placement on YouTube was positively related at a moderate level of significance at 0.05. It can be explained that exposure to product placement on YouTube was most related to behavioral responses which the YouTube video that only included products as a prop resulted in the most exposure that could lead to behavioral responses. This research can be applied to marketing communications towards product placement on YouTube for Japanese consumers by smoothly placing advertisements as a prop and not pushing sales. Therefore, understanding the culture can be done by blending it into Japanese consumer behavior.

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How to Cite
Ongkrutraksa, W. ., & Larpsrisawad, N. . (2024). A GUIDE TO CREATING PRODUCT PLACEMENT ADVERTISING ON YOUTUBE THAT EFFECTIVELY REACHES JAPANESE CONSUMERS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(12), 270–279. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/283691
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