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Narongpon Sunthon
Sompong Raksatham
Werayut Chatakan


The objectives of this research are 1) To studying about the level of encouraging morality and ethics in students by private Islamic school’s administrators. 2) To comparison about how to encouraging morality and ethics in students by private Islamic school’s administrators. 3) To study about guidelines for encouraging morality and ethics in students by private Islamic school’s administrators on Nakhonsithammarat province. Population and simple are 7 people of the private Islamic school’s administrators on Nakhonsithammarat province on academic year 2564 and 194 people of the private Islamic school’s teachers. The tools used to collect the data are rating scale questionnaire and the structure interview. Data analysis the encouraging morality and ethics in students by private Islamic school’s administrators on Nakhonsithammarat province, overall is on high level. Considering each aspect, it was found that all of 4 aspects on the high level. The Endurance and tolerance have the highest average. The second is responsibility and the lowest average is honesty. Considering each aspect, it was found that 1) The honesty, overall is on high level. Considering was found that the encourage to behave according the moral principles of honest in students have highest average. 2) Responsibility, overall is on high level. Considering was found that encouraging students to adhere the principle of living the Islamic way of life has highest average and the lowest average is assigning tasks for students to be responsibility. 3) Sacrifice, overall is on the high level. Considering was found that donating the time to religious organization as appropriate has highest average and the lowest average is sacrificing personal happiness for the sake of the community. 4) The aspect of tolerance, overall is on high.

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How to Cite
Sunthon, N. ., Raksatham, S. ., & Chatakan , W. . (2024). PROMOTING STUDENTS MORALITY AND ETHICS OF ADMINISTRATORS OF ISLAMIC PRIV ATE NAKHON SI THAMMARAT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(12), 153–162. retrieved from
Research Articles


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