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Nuengruthai Ekthamthat
Linda Gainma
Buranachit Kaewsrimon
Suntareeya Kalawong
Thanapapon Phusuwan
Phonchai Phonharuthai
Thongchai Srimuang
Jittawisut Wimuttipanya


The purpose of this research was to study the management of environmental problems from waste coconut shells under the target zero wast and low carbon city with mixed medthod reseach. The population was 50 coconut farmers in Ban Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province. The research instrument was a 5-level estimation questionnaire with a reliability of 0.96. Data analysis was performed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research results found that the promotion and development of low carbon economy and society and emphasizing environmental friendliness are important things that the community must participate in the management of natural resources and the environment to lead to the important goal of developing society into a carbon city where people must have knowledge, understanding, and awareness of using natural resources and the environment to create both careers and innovations to be used in the creation of agricultural tools or household industries. One important thing is the results of environmental management that will transform local materials or equipment into waste. One important problem is the management of community waste, which is very important to lead to climate change and global warming. which must promote the management and resolution of low-carbon society problems and will make the community become a sustainable community with development with participation of people in the community with environment awareness.

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How to Cite
Ekthamthat, N. ., Gainma, L. ., Kaewsrimon, B. ., Kalawong, S. ., Phusuwan, T. ., Phonharuthai, P. ., Srimuang, T. ., & Wimuttipanya, J. . (2024). GUIDELANE OF MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS FROM WASTE COCONUT SHELLS UNDER THE TARGET. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(12), 175–182. retrieved from
Research Articles


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