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The study results showed that the top three attitudes of elderly individuals regarding gambling were: 1) Gambling is a profession that generates income (82.7%), 2) Gambling helps the elderly feel valued because they can earn money on their own, similar to the past (81%), and 3) Gambling can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly (74.3%). For elderly gamblers, the top three attitudes were: 1) Gambling is an appropriate recreational activity for the elderly as it prevents loneliness (97.7%); 2) Gambling is a normal activity because it has been part of Thai culture for a long time (86.3%); and 3) Thailand should have legalized casinos (81.8%). In conclusion, from the general elderly population's perspective, gambling helps generate income and provides for daily expenses. From the perspective of elderly gamblers, gambling is seen as a suitable recreational activity for the elderly, providing fun and social interaction with peers. Therefore, relevant agencies could consider integrating gambling activities as a health-promoting activity for the elderly population.
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