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This article aims to present information on health promotion for all age groups. According to the Ottawa Charter of Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospitals in Thailand. This is the first chapter in promoting health for people of all age groups by implementing the principles of the Ottawa Charter. It consists of 5 main strategies: 1) Creating public policies for health by government and private agencies; 2) Creating an environment conducive to health by conserving natural resources and arranging the environment to be consistent with changes in lifestyles; 3) Strengthen community activities to support community self-reliance. 4) Personal skill development. By promoting health Develop individuals and society with information Enhance life skills and 5) Adjust the public health service system. Health promotion activities Communicate more with external agencies in accordance with and linked to health problems in the area according to 5 age groups with the following health care goals: Mother and baby group. The ratio of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births has not increased. Group of early childhood children, development, age, and nutritional status according to criteria. group of school children Malnutrition is normal. Teenagers have teenage pregnancies and the live birth rate for women aged 15 to 19 years has decreased. Working age groups Metabolic syndrome decreased and the elderly group. There are more and more desirable health behaviors. The overall goal of health promotion for all age groups is to promote the health of mothers, infants, and school-age children to be strong and smart. Promote appropriate reproductive health behaviors for teenagers. and promote desirable health behaviors of working age and elderly people in order to be a cornerstone of a sustainable society.
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